Here's why every woman
needs to know her numbers.
When your
doctor orders blood tests during a routine check-up, the goal is to learn how
well your body is working and to diagnose diseases such as diabetes or heart
disease that might not have obvious symptoms. A blood test is like a gauge,
revealing measures of disease inside your body.
You might
have any number of different blood tests during your check-up. Four blood tests
in particular are important to determine the state of your health. If your
doctor hasn't recommended one or more of these blood tests, ask whether you
need to have them done.
1. Blood sugar test
What it measures: The level of glucose (sugar) in your
blood. Elevated blood sugar is a sign that your body either isn't making enough
insulin—the hormone that moves sugar into the cells to be used for energy—or
isn't using insulin efficiently. High blood sugar levels can indicate that you
have diabetes or prediabetes.
How often you need it tested: Your doctor should check your
fasting glucose level or your HbA1C—an average of your blood sugar over the
last three months—once a year, or more often if your blood pressure is high.
What's healthy: Less than 100 milligrams per
deciliter (mg/dL) on a blood sugar test and an HbA1C of less than 5.7%.
What to do if your levels are high: If you're in the borderline,
prediabetes range of 100 to 125 mg/dL, lifestyle changes can prevent you from
progressing to full-blown diabetes. Eating a healthy diet, losing weight, plus
getting at least 150 minutes of exercise per week can cut your risk of getting
type 2 diabetes in half.
2. Lipid panel
What it measures: Levels of unhealthy cholesterol and
triglycerides to assess your heart disease risk.
How often you need it tested: Women who are at increased risk for
heart disease or who have diabetes should get tested once a year. Those who are
at normal risk should ask their doctors about testing frequency.
What's healthy: total cholesterol of less than 200
mg/dL; HDL cholesterol of more than 50 mg/dL; LDL cholesterol of less than 130
mg/dL (less than 100 mg/dL for women at high risk for heart disease); and
triglycerides of less than 150 mg/dL.
What to do if your levels are
high/low: Limit
unhealthy fats from red meat, whole-fat dairy products, and fried foods. Also
watch high-cholesterol foods such as egg yolks, cheese, and shellfish. Eat more
of foods that lower unhealthy cholesterol—including nuts, fish, oatmeal, and
vegetable oils.
3. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
and T4 test
What it measures: The thyroid is a gland in the neck
that produces hormones that regulate metabolism. Women are more likely than men
to have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or overactive thyroid
gland (hyperthyroidism). The TSH and T4 tests measure hormone levels to make
sure your thyroid is working correctly.
How often you need it tested: If you're over 60, talk to your
doctor about getting tested. Also get your levels checked if you have symptoms
of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, which include
fast heartbeat
increased appetite
greater sensitivity to
muscle weakness
brittle hair and nails
weight gain or loss.
What's healthy: TSH of 0.4 to 4.0 milli-international
units per liter (mIU/L) and T4 of 4.5 to 11.2 micrograms per deciliter

4. Vitamin D (25 hydroxyvitamin D)
What it
measures: Levels of vitamin D in your blood. Vitamin D is essential for bone
strength and other important functions in the body. Older women are more likely
to have vitamin D deficiency, because our skin doesn't produce this vitamin as
efficiently from sun exposure as we age, and because we spend less time
How often you need it tested: Ask your doctor whether you need
this test based on your age, diet, and level of sun exposure.
What's healthy: More than 30 nanograms/milliliters
What to do
if your levels are low: Eat more foods containing vitamin D, such as dairy and
fortified orange juice. Ask your doctor if you need to add a vitamin D
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