Friday, 15 July 2016


One is used to father and son in the flight deck, now how about Husband and wife?

Amazing. Meet Capt. Isi Paul Eghonghon and his lovely wife Mercy Eghonghon, both with Aero.

Getting Captain Isi to do this revealing interview was not easy due to his tight schedule. Well, the good news is that we eventually did.

Who is Capt. Isi?
Captain Isi is a young vibrant Captain, full of life and not scared of taking on new challenges.

You are a Pilot and married to a Pilot. Nice combo. How did you meet?
Thank you. We met at the airport, I introduced myself and we had a pleasant conversation afterwards, I was quite drawn to her, she’s smart, determined, family oriented and gorgeous at the same time, I’m glad I made that move; best decision I ever made.

How do you both cope being away from home most times. Juggling flying with the home front?
Being away from home a lot is a misconception, if you fly long haul or in another country away from your family; then yes I agree, but we are both based in the same country, we fly routes that don’t take us away from home for too long. So juggling is not really much different from any other working professional.

Do you see one of you stepping down at some point?
Neither of us has to step down, I met her in the profession that’s her passion, I equally enjoy it. We strike a balance with spending quality time with the kids and as a family. I see us flying for a long time even if it’s for leisure. We love it.

Taking command at a relatively young age, what is the magic?
Laughs… relative here is old in my profession. You can start flying at 16 and get a commercial licence at 18, with determination and hardwork, command can be attained at 23, so trust me, command at 30 is not necessarily young, my wife actually got command at 25, she sabi... laughs.

What advice do you have for pilots intending to marry a pilot?
To specifically advise a pilot marrying a pilot would make it seem like a peculiar case, frankly it isn’t necessarily the case. Applying wisdom, understanding, listening to your partner and acknowledging and appreciating them is still the case for us like many other couples. Probably finding that balance would be more applicable to pilots. There are a lot more on the plus side though, having a study partner, having someone that equally shares your passion and seeing the world together; I’ll say go for it, the benefits are immense.

Nice Combo aint they? Captain Isi Paul and Mercy Eghonhon are such an inspiring aviation couple who are quite good at what they do and are really keeping it together.
What can I say? The sky is obviously the stepping stone for this lovely couple. Keep cruising…..

Source: mamajsaviationblog

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