Monday, 14 December 2020


By Jesusegun Alagbe

In many African homes, not having a child in the first few years of marriage can lead to untold pressure on the couple by their immediate families. In fact, childlessness is one of the main factors that lead to the break-up of many couples.

In some cases, women have been the subject of harassment by their husbands and in-laws should there be a delay in having a child. More often than not, men are spared of the insults and embarrassment that trail childlessness in homes.

However, with more exposure today, it is a known fact that men can sometimes be the cause of childlessness in a home. But the good news is that there are tons of natural and medical solutions that men – as well as women – seeking children could explore.

According to experts, one of such solutions is found in the diet that one consumes.

A fertility expert and dietitian at the Reproductive Medicine Associates, New York, United States, Dara Godfrey, said diet and nutrition were essential factors in getting the body ready for making a baby, stressing that fertility diets were not just for women, but also for men.

She said certain foods could potentially increase sperm count and quality, while others could cause damage to sperm count and quality.

“And if you didn’t know, a man is considered to have a low sperm count if he has fewer than 39 million sperm total per ejaculation or fewer than 15 million sperm per millilitre. It sounds like a lot, but considering how far they have to travel, it’s not that many.

“The point? It’s important for him to evaluate his diet, so it won’t interfere with the chances of conceiving,” she wrote on

Godfrey and other fertility experts recommended the following 20 foods that men should add to their diets when trying to conceive:

Dark chocolate

“Dark chocolate contains arginine, an amino acid that can improve sperm count and quality over time,” Godfrey said.

A Bangalore, India-based obstetrician and gynaecologist, who is also a member of the Royal College Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Dr Sabiha Anjum, also said the consumption of dark chocolate could boost sperm count and quality in men.

“The cacao beans that make up the chocolate are full of antioxidants. Dark chocolate also contains an enzyme called L-Arginine which helps increase the volume of sperm. You and your partner can share a piece of dark chocolate after dinner, instead of having a filling dessert,” Anjum wrote on


Anjum said, “It’s no secret that eggs are the basic superfoods for increasing sperm count. Eggs are rich in Vitamin E and protein, which help in the motility of the sperm.”

She said consuming eggs also protects the sperm from free radicals, thereby doubling the chances of fertilisation.

“Eggs are also a rich source of zinc, which is known to improve sperm motility. Eggs can be consumed in umpteen ways to increase your sperm count,” she added.


A Lagos-based obstetrician, Dr Oyepeju Adeoti, said bananas were the obvious choices for increasing sperm production.

“Bananas are rich in Vitamins B1 and C and magnesium, and these are elements that can increase the mobility of the sperm and help in sperm production,” she said.

She added that bananas also contain an enzyme called Bromelain, which could help boost sperm count and motility.

“Bananas can also regulate the sex hormones and cheer your mood. So if you love eating bananas, you have enough and more reasons to continue eating bananas,” she said.


Garlic helps prevent cancer as well as enhance the production of sperm in the scrotum, Anjum said.

“Garlic contains allicin, which is required for stimulating blood circulation to the right parts. The blood flows freely to the sexual organs and protects them from any damage. Selenium, which is another important enzyme found in garlic, helps to improve sperm motility,” she said.


Godfrey said eating leafy vegetables like spinach is good for health as they help regulate a lot of activities in the body.

“Leafy greens can especially help in sperm production. Spinach is rich in folic acid, which is essential for the development of the sperm,” she said.


According to Anjum, walnuts are well-known as brain food, but they also help increase the sperm count. Being rich in omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts improve the vitality of sperm, she said.


Oysters are a great source of zinc, which helps improve sperm motility. So eat oysters – they will stimulate the reproductive system by providing glycogen and taurine, Anjum wrote.


Adeoti said ginseng is a great aphrodisiac that has been used for cooking purposes for ages.

“Ginseng not only increases testosterone but also helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It is available in fresh or dried form and can be consumed in the form of tea,” she said.

Whole grains

Experts at London-based organisation, Emma’s Diary, stated that whole grains such as oats, brown rice, whole wheat and quinoa were great to boost male fertility.

“These whole grains are complex carbohydrates and so not only give you lots of energy by releasing sugar into your blood slowly and evenly, but also contain an abundance of B and E vitamins that are essential for cellular reproduction, hormonal balance and the production of healthy sperm,” they stated.

Oily fish

Also, salmon, mackerel and sardines are said to be the best source of essential fatty acids, omega-3 and omega-6, which are important for regulating reproductive functioning, improving blood flow and enhancing sperm quality and mobility.

For those who don’t eat fish, flaxseed oil is said to be a good alternative to essential fatty acids.


This food has for centuries been considered a fertility-boosting superfood, according to Emma’s Diary experts.

“It’s incredibly rich in the minerals and amino acids that nourish the reproductive system,” they said.


This provides a rich source of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant and an essential fertility nutrient that improves the viability of sperm. It is also said to be an excellent source of unsaturated fats.


According to Anjum, pomegranates are known to increase sex drive. “Being a rich source of antioxidants, they help increase the level of sperm and quality of sperm production as well. You can consume pomegranates in raw form or in the form of juice every other day,” she said.

Pumpkin seeds

Anjum wrote, “These seeds are rich in antioxidants, phytosterols, and amino acids which enhance fertility in men. Pumpkin seeds can also help in increasing sperm count, motility, and virility overall. You can add them as salad toppings or consume them raw as a snack.”


Carrots, which can be consumed as a snack or as a vegetable, are said to be a rich source of beta-carotene, an antioxidant which maintains the health of the sperm by protecting it from free radicals. This, in turn, aids mobility of the sperm thereby helping it to reach the egg.


According to Anjum, red meat such as beef is also a great source of zinc. “Beef is also a rich source of folic acid and selenium, which helps improve sperm health. If you like meat, consume beef – it will assist in sperm production and mobility,” she said.

Olive oil

The consumption of olive oil is said to regularly help improve sperm count and quality of sperm. It is said to help keep the bad cholesterol levels low, increase the flow of oxygen to the testicles, and help in the formation of healthy sperm.


Tomatoes are great fertility food. They contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant known to improve the structure and activity of the sperm. Regular consumption of tomatoes can increase fertility in men, experts said.


Be they raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, or blueberries, berries are said to contain powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients such as quercetin and resveratrol, which help in increasing the quality and production of sperm.


Loaded with the healthy monounsaturated fats that support the reproductive system, as well as Vitamin E and other vitamins and minerals, snacking on almonds is said to be a great way to boost fertility in men.

Five foods to avoid or reduce intake of

For men seeking to improve their sperm count and quality, experts advised them to cut back on or eliminate the consumption of the following foods:

Fried foods: These hard-to-resist foods can decrease the quality of sperm.

Full-fat dairy: Full-fat dairy contains oestrogen and can lower healthy sperm.

Processed meats: Processed meats (including bacon, ham, sausage, hot dogs, corned beef, beef jerky, canned meat and meat sauces) can lower sperm count, experts said.

Caffeine: Researchers have linked caffeine consumption by both men and women in the weeks leading up to conception to an increased risk for miscarriage.

Alcohol: One or two alcoholic drinks are okay, but more than 14 mixed drinks in a week can lower testosterone levels and affect sperm count.

Other tips to improve male fertility

Apart from consuming the above foods, Anjum advised men to also incorporate some lifestyle changes to improve their sperm health.

In order to improve your fertility levels, you must quit smoking. Smoking affects fertility levels in men, so it is important that you quit smoking.

·         Avoid sitting for long periods of time as it can increase your scrotal temperature, which can affect your fertility levels. Also, do not take hot tub baths for long.

·         If you want to have a baby, have sex frequently. Having sex with your wife when she is ovulating will definitely increase her chances of getting pregnant, but having sex frequently will improve your fertility levels.

·         If you are overweight or obese, work harder to bring your weight to healthier levels. As being overweight or obese disturbs the hormonal balance, it lowers the sperm count as well.


Saturday, 28 November 2020


Most of us don’t really bother about the water we drink. We just grab a bottle or turn on a tap, fill a glass, and drink. Is the water you're drinking safe or would bottled water be safer? What if your tap water suddenly became contaminated? These are some questions we need to ponder.

According global health statistics, close to 10 million people don’t have access to clean drinking water the world over; and more than 2 billion get their water from contaminated sources. Despite this problem, emerging technologies including solar powered purification systems are making it possible for emerging economies to assess cleaner drinking water.

It’s not enough to think that any clear water is good water. Of course we need water to survive and as long as it’s clear, it’s good for us, right? NO. Not all water is equal in terms of its safety or quality. 

While there are many benefits to good drinking water, such as aiding in digestion, flushing toxins, and promoting weight loss, there’s a lot that could contaminate this otherwise vital resource.

Toxins, chemicals, and other elements can all find their way into our drinking water, which is why finding good drinking water like Karover Table Water is so important. It has a balanced pH level, be contaminant-free, rich with healthy, naturally occurring minerals.

Considering that it’s recommended to drink half your water in weight daily, it’s crucial for everyone to have access to safe, clean drinking water. 

Experience that fresh feeling… Drink Karover Table Water, always!

Thursday, 26 November 2020



BY Jesusegun Alagbe

Every part of the human body is important. But while a human can still survive without some body parts, one cannot survive without some other body parts, one of which is the brain.

The brain is the central organ of the human nervous system, and with the spinal cord, it makes up the central nervous system. The brain consists of the cerebrum, the brainstem, and the cerebellum.

The brain controls most of the activities of the body, processing, integrating, and coordinating the information it receives from the sense organs and making decisions as to the instructions sent to the rest of the body. The brain is contained in, and protected by, the skull bones of the head.

According to scientists, the brain is an amazing three-pound organ that controls all functions of the body, interprets information from the outside world, and embodies the essence of the mind and soul.

Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are some of the many things governed by the brain.

It receives information from the five senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing – often many at one time. It then assembles the messages in a way that has meaning for human beings and can store that information in the memory. The brain controls thoughts, memory and speech, movement of the arms and legs, and the function of many organs within the body.

However, like other parts of the body, there are lifestyle habits that affect brain health, particularly in an era of technology where human beings are being rewired to do more to the detriment of the brain.

According to experts, the modern lifestyle is chipping away at neural pathways and making humans slower, denser, and less capable of original thought. Hyper-connectivity is increasingly taking its toll on the brains and in the end, many people end up less productive and ineffective.

A UK-based entrepreneur and health expert, Thomas Oppong, said when talking about health, many people did not always think about nurturing their brains the way they nourished their bodies.

“But to be our most productive self, we need to do more of what improves our brain health, and less of what causes cognitive decline. Start by adjusting your daily habits and avoiding these common modern habits – your brain will thank you,” Oppong wrote on


Physical inactivity has its price tags – it’s linked to the development of chronic health problems like heart disease, obesity, depression, dementia, and cancer. Many people are too busy to make time for “basic movement activities” that can slow cognitive decline–walking, cycling, stretching, etc.

Being sedentary changes the shape of certain neurons in the brain, according to a study in the Journal of Comparative Neurology that suggests a link between inactivity and mental decline.

Regular physical activity can benefit you cognitively as they increase brain chemicals which promote better memory and learning.

For emphasis’ sake, sitting is one of the worst things one can do to their health. A study at the University of California, Los Angeles, reported that people who were more sedentary had thinning in brain regions linked to memory. The study found that sitting wasn’t just a physical health risk – it’s a neurological risk as well.

The study authors wrote, “It is possible that sedentary behaviour is a more significant predictor of brain structure, specifically (medial temporal lobe) thickness, and that physical activity, even at higher levels, is not sufficient to offset the harmful effects of sitting for extended periods of time.”

You can reduce the amount of sitting you do by adopting interventions like moderate walking, standing while working, even for just 10 minutes at a time, and standup meetings.


In this age of technology, smartphones have become Swiss army knives. Many people use them all the time. They text while walking across the street, catch up on email while commuting, read or listen to podcasts while standing in a queue.

According to mental health experts, multitasking is not only bad for productivity, it’s also a habit that rewires the brain and makes one less effective.

A neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, and one of the world experts on divided attention, Earl Miller, noted in his study that human brains “are not wired to multitask well.”

“When people think they’re multitasking, they’re actually just switching from one task to another very rapidly. And every time they do, there’s a cognitive cost in doing so,” he said.

“Multitasking also increases the stress hormone cortisol as well as the fight-or-flight hormone adrenaline, which can overstimulate your brain and cause mental fog or scrambled thinking,” he added.

Information overload

Things are happening fast and many people want to catch up on events around them as they happen. However, this can lead to unnecessary over-stimulation of the brain.

The sheer volume of emails, social updates, and notifications people receive can be overwhelming and take a huge bite out of the day for many. The constant stream of content, if not managed, can cause stress and lead to decision overload.

“Too much information or information overload is one of the biggest irritations in modern life,” experts at The Economist wrote.

Some people proudly boast of how many things they can juggle in a single day. But Glenn Wilson, a former visiting professor of psychology at Gresham College in London, found out in his research that being in such a situation could reduce one’s effective Intelligence Quotient by 10 points.

Oppong advised that to maximise the brain every day, one should use better tools and settings to filter information throughout the day.

“Be proactive about how you consume media. Prepare your brain to ignore unnecessary information. When you organise your day with these principles in mind, you will likely increase your brain’s efficiency significantly,” he said.

 Less face-to-face interaction

Today, face-to-face interactions are increasingly being replaced by digital tools. People spend more time online than ever before.

“Anything with a screen – television, phones, tablets, computers, video games – constitutes screen time,” said Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist and mental health expert.

“If the majority of our waking hours entails looking at a screen, then we know it is way too much. A face-to-face conversation is incredibly beneficial for your brain,” he said.

Also, a study by the University of Michigan found that even just 10 minutes per day of conversation with another person could improve memory and cognition.

“In our study, socialising was just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in boosting memory and intellectual performance,” said Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the U-M Institute for Social Research and a lead author of the study.

The lack of true personal interaction limits the brain’s opportunities to make better connections. It can also lead to loneliness and depression – mental conditions that contribute significantly to reduced brain health.

Looking at screens all day can hurt one’s eyes, ears, neck, shoulders, back, wrists, and forearms. It also interferes with getting a good night’s sleep.

According to experts, excessive screen time has a negative effect on intellectual abilities as well as emotional well-being.

Therefore, it is advisable to set clear boundaries with screens to avoid developing detrimental habits. The goal isn’t to avoid screen time entirely, as that’s not realistic in modern life. However, if you’re going to use a device, be mindful.

Listening to loud music

Many people love to switch up the volume as it makes the music sounds more fun and immersive. In the age of noise-cancelling earbuds and headphones, you can easily damage your hearing.

When the rest of the world gets too distracting, it’s tempting to pop in your earbuds, crank up your favourite tunes, and close yourself off to focus better.

According to experts, if you consistently blast your music too loudly, you can damage your hearing. But it’s not just your ears: Hearing loss in older adults is linked to brain problems, such as Alzheimer’s and loss of brain tissue.

When your brain has to work hard to understand what’s being said around you, it can’t store what you’ve heard into memory. So, protect your hearing by adjusting the volume of your headphones – it’s an excellent way to preserve your hearing and allow your brain to work better.

“One test we recommend is to remove your headphones, keeping them at your preferred volume, and hold them out in front of you at an arm’s length. Can you hear the music clearly? If so, try turning it down and repeating again,” wrote experts at Headphonesty.

Always aim to take regular breaks during the course of the day to give your ears a much-needed rest.

Sleep deprivation

Insufficient sleep is a huge problem for many busy professionals. Sleep deprivation can have serious short-term and long-term consequences – it can delay reaction times, glucose levels, mood, headache, impaired memory, and hormone imbalances. Researches showed that not getting enough sleep may actually shrink your brain.

Sleep is absolutely essential for your brain. When you deprive your brain of healthy sleep, how it processes information, consolidates memories, makes connections, and clears out toxins suffers.

Lack of sleep slows down your thinking, impairs your memory, concentration, judgment, and decision-making, and impedes learning.

Improving your sleep habits could be an important way to improve brain health. Seven to eight hours of good sleep a night is essential for stimulating new connections and brain growth.

If you are concerned about the health of your brain and the quality of your thinking now or in the future, learn to take care of your brain. A few simple changes to your lifestyle could boost your memory, learning, mental resilience, and overall health of your brain.

Eating excessive junk food

According to researches, parts of the brain linked to learning, memory, and mental health are smaller in people who take lots of hamburgers, fries, potato chips, and soft drinks in their diet.

On the other hand, berries, whole grains, nuts, and green leafy vegetables can preserve brain function and slow mental decline. So next time you start to reach for a bag of chips, grab a handful of nuts instead.

Meanwhile, if you eat too much food – even the right kind of food – your brain may not be able to build a strong network of connections that help you think and remember. If you overeat for too long, you may get dangerously overweight, which can cause heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure – all linked to brain problems and Alzheimer’s.

Similarly, experts said smoking could cause the brain to shrink, which is a bad thing.

“It (smoking) makes your memory worse and makes you twice as likely to get dementia, including Alzheimer’s. It also causes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and high blood pressure,” experts at said.


Monday, 19 October 2020


By Omolade Rasaq

Efo riro is a Nigerian traditional vegetable soup with its origin in the Yoruba-speaking part of the country. Efo riro is incomplete without locust beans and palm oil. The best vegetables suitable for this recipe are efo tete or efo shoko.

For those who don’t know what it is and want to try, we have reproduced it just for you!



Cow tripe (Shaki)

Cowskin (Ponmo)

Dry fish

Palm oil (20 cl)

Efo Shoko (500g)

Pepper mixtures(Red bell peppers, Scotch Bonnet peppers, chilli pepper)

2 tbsp ground crayfish

1½ Onions

Seasoning cubes

2 tbsp of locust beans (iru)


Before you start;

Wash and cut the vegetable into big chunk. Soak vegetable in hot water for about 3 minutes drain and set aside.

Wash locust beans and set aside.

Soak the dry fish till soft and debone.

Deseed the peppers and blend roughly.


Start cooking the caw tripe on high heat with little water. When the cow tripe is almost done, add meat, chopped onions, salt and seasoning cube and continue cooking.

In another pot, pour the palm oil and heat it. Once hot, add the remaining onions and fry for 2 minutes.

Then add locust beans fry for a minute. Now pour your blended pepper mixture, and stir together. Add salt, seasoning cube and crayfish. Allow to cook for about 20 minutes.

Once the oil is floating at the top, add smocked fish, ponmo, and meats. Stir and taste for salt.

Add the vegetables to the sauce and stir very well, cover the pot and allow to cook for about 4 minutes. After some minutes, take the pot off the heat.

Your Efo riro is ready.

Culled from: /

Saturday, 3 October 2020



The foremost goal of any business, big or small, is to make profit and grow. How do you achieve profitability and business expansion?

Achieving this isn’t an uphill task as it takes knowledge, determination and skillful direction. Definitely, effective marketing also plays a key role here. Success formula for one business may not necessarily be the same for another, but certain action plans are common factors that drive business success. Again, these will translate to success if only they are understood and well applied how and when necessary.

Briefly, we would look at some marketing ideas that could influence the growth of about any business from cradle to maturity with little or almost no spending.

Marketing, as we know, is the key to success in just about all businesses. Hence, it is not unusual for a mediocre product with great marketing to overtake a good product that is poorly marketed. The question here is: since small and medium-sized businesses can’t afford the luxury of spending on blockbuster marketing ideas for their products or services what is the way out? What can you do to improve their marketing results?

The answer is simple: pay attention to what big companies (as well as other small businesses) do to introduce and promote their products, and then adapt their marketing techniques to meet your own target clients and budget.

Here are some marketing ideas to consider:

Form strategic alliances with other businesses: Look out for businesses that would interest your target market and explore ways you can work together. Whether you actively market each other’s services, or team up to jointly work on clients’ jobs, strategic alliances can extend your reach and further enhance your bottom-line.

WEBSITE – Get a functional website for your business if you haven’t already done so. The world is now a global village. Make it much easier for people to locate and get in touch with you.

Segment your market and create products or develop areas that would appeal specifically to the needs of each segment of your audience.

Be different: As a small business owner, emulate the techniques of bigger businesses. Study you competitor, find something that distinguishes you from them – and then promote the difference. The difference could be your slogan, a key difference in your product, or even a perceived difference. For instance, are the cakes you produce fluffier and more colourful? Are your services via your website and across all social media network?

Expand into new markets: Sell your vegetable products to local restaurants and catering facilities as well as directly to consumers; if you sell computer accessories to small businesses, look into soliciting business from bigger companies, and federal, state or local government agencies.

WEBSITE – Get a functional website for your business if you haven’t already done so. The world is now a global village. Make it much easier for people to locate and get in touch with you.

SOCIAL MEDIA – A lot of people are on one form of social media network or another. Know the social networks your customers participate in, and then spend a few minutes a day participating in the one or two most customers use.

Send a card or postcard to customers to remind them when they need to come back for a check-up, or to remind them in advance of an appointment scheduled months in advance. These could also be facilitated using emails.

Talk to your customers – Make it a habit to ask them for feedback. Ask them what you can do to better serve their needs. This could be done formally of verbally. If you see a trend in what’s being asked for, act on it.

Send email to your customers: Plan regularly scheduled emails or Newsletters providing your customers with discounts and special offers, product tips, helpful hints for improving their business or their personal lives, or other information that will help them remember you and visit your store or website again. 

SEEK REFERRAL - Ask your customers to give you referrals. Happy customers will readily oblige you, especially if there is an incentive tied to it.

Give away something useful with a purchase over a certain amount, you might give an inexpensive neck scarf with clothing purchases, or a make-up kit to frequent customers to your hair salon.

Be proactive and be persistent. Consistent marketing is key to success for any small business. Always follow up with prospective and lost clients. You have to keep at it until you achieve desired result. Then, if you want to continue your momentum, you have to keep on marketing.

Sunday, 13 September 2020



Nigeria Professional Football League Club, Nasarawa United have fixed Wednesday September 16 for players and officials to resume ahead of commencement of the new football season

This was one of the many decisions reached at the management meeting of the club held on Wednesday in Lafia

A statement signed by the media officer, Eche Amos, chairman of the club Barr. Isaac Danladi said the resumption date was necessitated by the need to adequately prepare the team for the next football season.

He revealed that with the support of the state governor, Abdullahi Sule the club now has a new facility that will serve as administrative office and camp house for players and officials.

Thursday, 10 September 2020



The death of former Super Eagles defender, Ajibade Babalade last Friday in Ibadan sent shock waves across the football fraternity in the country with many still yet to come to terms with the reality of the sad occurrence.

 And as tributes continue to pour in for the former defensive stalwart of the Super Eagles,  Nasarawa State commissioner for Youth and Sports Development Honourable Othman Bala Adam has expressed deep sadness over the loss, describing it as a sad commentary for the entire football family in the country

In a statement issued in Lafia, the Nasarawa State commissioner for sports condoled with the Minister Of Youth and Sports Development, Mr Sunday Dare, his Oyo State counterpart Engr. Segun Fakorede, the family of the late Ajibade Babalade and football fans across the country over the unfortunate incident

Honourable Othman who was also a former footballer in his youthful days having played for a number of clubs in the Nigerian league including the defunct ITF fc of Jos, recalled with fond memories the exploits of the late Ajibade Babalade in the round leather game.

He particularly made reference to his performance in the national team where he was a key member of the Super Eagles team that won bronze at the 1992 Africa Cup of Nations and also helped 3sc of Ibadan reach the final of the CAF Champions League in 1996.

Friday, 28 August 2020




Avance Media has named its 100 Most Influential African Women for 2020.

The list is made up of the most powerful African women from 34 countries who work in various industries including diplomacy, politics, activism, entrepreneurship, business leadership, and entertainment.

On countries with the highest number of women, there were 20 women from Nigeria, 11 from South Africa, and nine from Ghana.

The list is made up of 75 new entrants. The youngest African female on the list is 24-year-old Namibia’s Deputy Minister of Information, Communication, and Technology, Emma Theofelus.

Other people on the list are Halima Dangote, Ugandan Activist Stella Nyanzi, Olympic Committee Member, Lydia Nsekera, and the only 2 female finance ministers in Africa, Vera Daves De Sousa (Angola) & Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed (Nigeria).

The Managing Director of Avance Media, Prince Akpah, said the list is focused on women who are leaders in various sectors on the continent. These women can also inspire the younger generation.

100 Most Influential African Women

The criteria for selection included: excellence in leadership and performance, personal accomplishments, commitment to sharing knowledge, breaking the status quo, and being an accomplished African Woman.

Below is the list of Avance Media’s 2020 100 Most Influential African Women arranged in alphabetical order

1. Agnes Binagwaho (Prof) || Vice-Chancellor, University of Global Health Equity

2. Agnes Kalibata || CEO, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

3. Amanda Mukwashi || CEO, Christian Aid

4. Amani Abou-Zeid (H.E Dr.) || Commissioner for Infrastructure & Energy, African Union

5. Amel Karboul (Dr.) || CEO, Education Outcomes Fund

6. Amina C. Mohamed (Dr.) || Cabinet Secretary, Sports, Culture & Heritage (Kenya)

7. Amina J. Mohammed (H.E) || Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations

8. Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh || Regional Head, IBM Africa

9. Angélique Kidjo || Musician

10. Anita Erskine || Founder, Anita Erskine Media

11. Anna Nimiriano || Editor-in-Chief, Juba Monitor

12. Anne-Marie Dias Borges || Presenter, BBC

13. Antoinette Sayeh || Deputy MD, IMF

14. Arikana Chihombori Quao || Activist

15. Aurélie A. Soulé Zoumarou || Minister, Digital Economy and Communications (Benin)

16. Ayisha Osori || CEO, Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA)

17. Bajabulile Swazi Tshabalala || Vice President & CFO, AFDB

18. Bella Disu || Vice Chairman, Globacom

19. Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu || CEO, soleRebels

20. Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi || First Lady, Ekiti State

21. Chileshe Kapwepwe (H.E.) || Secretary-General, (COMESA)

22. Dorothy Tembo || Ag. Executive Director, International Trade Centre

23. Edith Yah Brou || Blogger

24. Eghosa Oriaikhi Mabhena || CEO, Puma Energy Africa

25. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf || Founder, EJS Center

26. Elsie S. Kanza || Head of Africa, World Economic Forum

27. Emma Lohoues || Actress

28. Emma Theofelus || Deputy Minister, Namibia

29. Esther Cobbah || CEO, Stratcomm Ghana

30. Fadumo Dayib || Politician

31. Faith Osier (Prof) || President, International Union of Immunological Societies

32. Fatou Bom Bensouda || Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Court

33. Fatoumata BĂ¢ || Founder, Janngo

34. Françoise Remarck || Chairman, Canal+ Cote D’Ivoire

35. Graça Machel || Founder, Graca Machel Trust

36. Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor || Minister, International Relations and Cooperation

37. Hajer Sharief || Co-Founder, Together We Build it

38. Hala Zayed (Dr.) || Minister, Health and Population (Egypt)

39. Halima Dangote || Executive Director, Dangote Group

40. Ifeyinwa Ugochukwu || CEO, Tony Elumelu Foundation

41. Ilwad Elman || Director, Elman Peace and Human Rights Center

42. Irene Charnley || Founder, Smile Communications

43. Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang (Prof) || Chancellor, Women's University in Africa

44. Jewel Howard Taylor (H.E) || Vice President, Liberia

45. Juliet Ehimuan || Director, Google West Africa

46. Kamissa Camara || Secretary-General, Mali Presidency

47. Lalla Moulaye Ezzedine || Chairman, Bank of Africa CĂ´te d'Ivoire

48. Laureen Kouassi-Olsson || Regional Head, Amethis

49. Leila Bouamatou || Managing Director, BANK OF MAURITANIA GENERAL

50. Linda Ikeji || CEO, Linda Ikeji Media

51. Louise Mushikiwabo || Secretary General, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie

52. Lucy Quist || Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Morgan Stanley

53. Lydia Nsekera || Member, International Olympic Committee

54. Magda Wierzycka || CEO, Sygnia

55. Maggie Kigozi || Chairperson, Africa Scout Foundation

56. Mamokgethi Phakeng (Prof) || Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Town

57. Mansa Nettey || CEO, StanChart Ghana

58. Martine Coffi-Studer || Chairperson, Bolloré Transport & Logistics

59. Massogbè Touré || CEO, SITA S.A

60. Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti (Dr) || Regional Director for Africa, WHO

61. Melene Rossouw || Founder, Women Lead Movement

62. Mimi Kalinda || CEO, Africa Communications Media Group

63. Monica Geingos (H.E) || First Lady, Republic of Namibia

64. Nana Asantewa Afadzinu || Executive Director, WASCI

65. Nathalie Akon Gabala || Regional Head, Mastercard Foundation

66. Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli || Founder, LEAP Africa

67. Ngozi Okonjo Iweala || Board Chair, Gavi Alliance

68. Nompumelelo Thembekile Madisa || CEO, Bidvest Group

69. Olajumoke Adenowo || Founder, AD Consulting

70. Oumou Sangaré || Musician

71. Owen Omogiafo || CEO, Transcorp Group

72. Patricia Obo-Nai || CEO, Vodafone Ghana

73. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka (Dr) || Executive Director, UN Women

74. Racheal Njoroge || Managing Director, Cummins

75. Rachel Sibande (Dr) || Founder, mHub

76. Rasha Kelej (Dr) || CEO, Merck Foundation

77. Rawya Mansour || Founder, RAMSCO

78. Raychelle Omamo || Minister, Foreign Affairs (Kenya)

79. Rita Bissoonauth || Head, AU International Centre for Girls and Women’s Education

80. Sahle-Work Zewde (H.E) || President, Ethiopia

81. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey || Minister, Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration (Ghana)

82. Sinach || Musician

83. Sisi Ntombela || Premier, Free State (South Africa)

84. Snowy Khoza (Dr) || CEO, Bigen Africa

85. Soham El Wardini || Mayor, Dakar

86. Sola David-Borha || Group CEO, Standard Bank Africa

87. Stella Nyanzi (Dr.) || Convenor, Women's Protest Uganda

88. Sylvia Mulinge || Chief Customer Officer, Safaricom

89. Temie Giwa-Tubosun || Founder, LifeBank

90. Toyin Sanni || CEO, Emerging Africa Capital

91. Toyin Saraki || Founder, Wellbeing Foundation Africa

92. Uche Pedro || Founder, BELLANAIJA

93. Vera Daves De Sousa || Minister, Finance (Angola)

94. Vera Songwe (Dr) || Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

95. Wala'a Essam Al-Boushi || Minister, Youth and Sport (Sudan)

96. Wanjira Mathai || Vice President & Regional Director for Africa, World Resources Institute

97. Winnie Byanyima || Executive Director, UNAIDS

98. Yemi Alade || Musician

99. Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr || Mayor, Freetown

100. Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed || Minister, Finance (Nigeria)




  By Simran Singh They raised 13 children, who later expanded their lineage to 55 grandchildren, 54  great-grandchildren, and 12 great-grea...